The Woodbridge Wireless has been supporting the crew races on the Occoquan River since Dean, WB4EIY and Joe, W4ADM (SK) were out on the water in the 1970’s. In fact, after Joe became a silent key, they dedicated the finish line Judges stand to him with a plaque above the entrance way. The club expends over 280 man-hours each year to support this public service. We keep the water safe for the rowers by providing real time reports of conditions and mishaps, and provide vital regatta information and support to the judges and race officials. We do much more than communications. Yes, it is time intensive for our club, but has been a very important public service which is recognized by the community. The judges and regatta officials repeatedly say they couldn’t do it without the Woodbridge Wireless. Click on the links below for further information. Point of Contact is Frank Kotulak, AF4RI (telephone 703-730-2351).